Monday, February 23, 2009

Take It Off!

As a member of Meetup, I occasionally get emails inviting me to join a group in which I might have an interest. At first, I was flattered by these solicitations: wow, somebody wants me as a member! Then I had the Groucho Marx reaction: if they want me as a member, I should probably avoid them.

I hadn't received any of these emails recently, but then last week I received a message on my profile page: "Hi Vice Girl: I wanted to invite you to join the group that my husband and I started. Its called Persephone Club and it is a great place to socialize and meet really wonderful people."

Well, that sounds lovely! But somehow I had an uncomfortable feeling when I read "my husband and I." Call me crazy, but it sounded a little creepy, like it might be run out of a conversion van by a guy missing some teeth and at least a couple of fingers. However, the Greek reference threw me off. "Maybe I'm overreacting," I thought. "Maybe this is a club devoted to drinking POM and eating pitas."

But a single click showed me my instincts were correct:

"We are a group of professional young adults who value themselves & others through nude recreation and nude travel. We are looking for couples and individuals to join as new members. We provide a safe and fun environment for socializing & networking."

First, let me just say that I'm no burqa-swaddled prude. If I'm wearing pants at home, either I have company* or I'm expecting the pizza man. (And if he was younger and cuter, I'd be open to staying pantsless when answering the door.) I perform many of my morning rituals in a state of at least partial undress, much to the chagrin of my neighbors, I'm sure. But nude recreation? Call me old-fashioned, but that's a two-person** enterprise.

I was weirded out because my profile is fairly buttoned-up on the site, so I wondered what about me made these people think I wanted to "network" (or God forbid, "travel") in the buff. Then I mentioned it to a few other Meetup friends who, as it turned out, had received the same note. (At least then I knew it wasn't me somehow putting out nudey vibes.) I found out they're actually using Meetup to promote their private*** website.

I'll note two interesting/amusing/disturbing things about the site: first, out of four pieces of artwork on the front page, two are of clothed individuals. And second, for all the talk about how there are "no falsehoods, no agendas" and the statement "[o]ur intention is to take away the evil stigma that society places on nudity," there is ZERO INFORMATION about the couple that allegedly founded this group.

So, yeah, Buffalo Bill, thanks, but I think I'll keep my clothes on for now.

* The kind of company that wants me to stay clothed. (Jerks.)

** Okay, maybe three on special occasions.

*** No pun intended.


  1. I've been to your home 3 times. At no time were you ever pantless. Obviously, I'm not the pizza man.

  2. ask and ye shall receive. *removes pants*

  3. For all of your readers.

    After she removed her pants, I removed mine. Then she asked for her pizza and closed the door on me.


Hi, Vice Girl's not in right now, but if you leave a comment, she'll get back to you as soon as possible. *beep*