Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Bacon, Bad Bacon

I've eaten a lot of bacon in my time. (Especially if you start "my time" about a week ago, since I have a package of bacon in my fridge that I'm afraid is going to go bad before I can finish it. Do you know how hard it is for one person to finish a pound of bacon?)

I won't say I'm a bacon connoisseur - though that would look great on a business card - but I will say I know good bacon from bad bacon.

And Oscar Mayer, your Center Cut Naturally Smoked Bacon with 30% lower fat in the stay-fresh reclosable tray is BAD BACON. It's the skinniest bacon, width-wise, that I've ever eaten. (And everyone knows that with bacon, as with uh, other things, thicker is better.) Speaking of skinny, there's so much less fat on it that when I cook it, it sticks to the pan instead of making a pool of delicious bacon grease.


NO BACON GREASE! That's never happened to me with other bacon. It's making me sad.


  1. oh dear! Poor lil Vice Girl! Did you try baking it with a bit of mustard & brown sugar? The crunch might incrementally make up for the lack of fat. Just sayin'.

  2. "with 30% lower fat" - when it comes to bacon -what's point of lower fat. Fat is the point. What were you thinkin?!?!?! You disappoint me grasshopper.

  3. Niman Ranch bacon. They have it at Trader Joe's and my god, it's a revelation.

  4. @tmc - i actually tried the flour trick and it went awry with this bastardized bacon.

    @deceon - it was a horrible mistake. i had a coupon, i was in a hurry, i grabbed the package and threw it in the cart without looking carefully. BACON FAIL.

    @ruth - i love you for giving me a bacon recommendation. <3


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