Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seven Vices, Seven Days…Coincidence? I Think Not.

I was going to call this blog “Sloth and Gluttony,” but those aren’t my only vices by a long shot. (Though they are two of the good ones.) It seemed a bit of overkill to list all the vices as the title, so Seven Vices it is.

According to Wikipedia, the seven deadly vices are:


I’m amused that lust is listed first. Is it really going to kill me faster than gluttony? I somehow doubt that, given my cholesterol levels. But I must say, lust would at least be a fun way to go (provided you actually got to indulge in your desire). And I love that in Latin, lust is luxuria. It even sounds sexy.

My vice for today was sloth (unfortunately). I was supposed to wake up at 7:30 to take my car in for servicing, but I overslept until 9:15. Yes, I sleep like a narcoleptic in a coma. Yay, sloth!

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